

Construction of new car workshop in like Zhaowang Development Zone

2022-05-06 Font size    

In response to the investment project construction of the county Party committee and the county government, Ricoh has specially invested in the construction of a new workshop of the 7000 ton / year primary color polyester sewing thread project in xuangwang Development Zone, Dongguang County. Since the construction of the project started in March, all work has been carried out in an orderly manner as planned. By the end of August, the civil engineering and steel structure construction of the workshop had been completed, laying a good foundation for the installation of new equipment.

乐昌市| 霸州市| 红原县| 阿瓦提县| 福鼎市| 图片| 岳阳县| 天峨县| 新密市| 阳新县| 土默特右旗| 西贡区| 商洛市| 长葛市| 南川市| 台南市| 北川| 涪陵区| 阿拉善右旗| 高安市| 西畴县| 肇源县| 宁强县| 页游| 石狮市| 孟州市| 临朐县| 班玛县| 隆尧县| 喀喇沁旗| 积石山| 常宁市| 泰来县| 尉氏县| 德阳市| 凯里市| 陕西省| 渭源县| 陇南市| 上思县| 隆昌县|